Elder Law provides a legal solution to the problem of the elderly individual who is not properly taking care of themself, a problem most likely caused by dementia.

The solution is a protective proceeding. In Oregon, there are two types. A person who seeks authority to handle the elderly person’s finances/estate will initiate a conservatorship. A person who seeks authority to care for the elderly person’s physical well-being (food, clothing, shelter, and health care) will initiate a guardianship. Both proceedings may be initiated at the same time.

An elderly person who believes that they do not need assistance may object to the protected proceeding. This objection means that the conservatorship/guardianship matter is "contested." In this situation, the judge will mandate a court hearing where evidence is required to prove that the elderly person needs assistance.

Anne Creasey is experienced in dealing with contested protective proceedings. She has represented elderly persons who object to assistance and family members seeking to obtain legal authority.